Palaeo7 associates
We are pleased to count on the following personnel for biostratigraphic support:
Dr James Keegan
(details to follow)
Dr Duncan McLean
B.Sc. (Hons) M.Sc. Ph.D.
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Dr Mark Phipps
M.Sci. (Hons) M.Sc. Ph.D.
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Mark is a micropalaeontologist with 20 years experience working within academia and industry. His core experience spans the Neogene through to Early Jurassic of the U.K., Norwegian and Danish sectors of the North Sea. He has also worked extensively on routine material from West Africa (Ghana, Sierra Leone and Nigeria), U.S., Mexico and Brazil. Mark is particularly experienced in palaeoenvironmental analysis, with a background in modern benthic foraminifera ecology from his M.Sc. dissertation and Ph.D. thesis, both having been published.

Jim is an expert on Mesozoic and Cenozoic palynology with emphasis on dinoflagellate cysts. He is an Emeritus researcher at the British Geological Survey, for whom he worked until his formal retirement recently. Jim’s Ph.D. and D.Sc. are from the Universities of Sheffield and Leicester respectively. He has over forty years of experience on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic palynostratigraphy of the world, and is the Managing Editor of the journal Palynology.

Mike Stephenson is a palynologist with expertise in the Middle-East with around 100 commercial reports and 50 peer-reviewed papers purely on Middle-Eastern palynology and stratigraphy. His particular expertise is pre-Khuff palynology with experience with Saudi Aramco and Petroleum Development Oman over a period since his PhD in 1998 until present. His work with both companies involved including regional correlation projects in the Al Khlata, Gharif, Misfar, Jauf, Unayzah and Khuff formations, biostratigraphic data reviews, sampling strategies and high resolution field biostratigraphy. Mike also has experience in the Palaeozoic palynology of Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Ethiopia, UAE, Ukraine, Australia, Thailand, UK, Falklands, Yemen, Qatar and Mozambique. He was a Chief Editor of the Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology for 12 years.